Book Test Tutorial
The Effect:
A spectator chooses ANY two books. He keeps one and you get the other. You turn the pages in your book until he stops you. You tell him the page number and ask him to look at the first word on that page in his book. He does, and after concentrating for a moment, you reveal the word he is gazing at in his book!
How it works:
Begin by asking a spectator to pick any volume from a shelf of books and to hand it to you. Once he does, ask him to choose another book. When he turns to get the second book, you open the one you are holding to somewhere in the middle and note the page number and first word on it. You do this quickly and then, quietly close the book. When the spectator turns around with the other book, take it from him and hold out both books at arm’s length. Ask him to “point” to one. If the spectator chooses the first book – the one in which you’ve already noted the page number and first word, simply hand it to him. If not, say to him, “Good. I’ll take this one and that leaves this one for you.” To the deeply initiated this is the horror of horrors, “magician’s force,” not to be shunned, and not even recognized by magicians when performed with confidence and urbanity.
You now begin paging through your book and tell him to say, “Stop,” whenever he wishes.
It doesn’t matter where he stops you – you simply LIE and say whatever page number you previously noted in his book.
You should make it a point, not to stand too close to the spectator. Stand at least a few feet away and tip the book toward him as you repeat the page number. Don’t worry; he couldn’t see the page number with “bifocal binoculars” anyway. Just make sure you begin paging through quickly enough that by the time he stops you, you’re somewhere in the middle of the book. That way, the spectator will not be able to discern any discrepancy between the page number you’re telling him and the actual page number he stopped you at. Remember, you must do this boldly and with complete confidence. That’s what counts most! Once he looks up the “same” page in his own book, have him concentrate intently on the first word on the page. Note, if it’s the kind of book that has a repeating chapter heading at the top of each page, tell him specifically to concentrate on the first word of the first paragraph.
Give him some time to focus on it. You may want to feign some brief difficulty in initially reading his thoughts. Don’t overdo this, though. After a few moments, slowly SPELL the word and then, say it. This helps build the drama. Whatever you do, don’t just blurt it out as if you knew it all along!
So you have it, a completely impromptu, yet astonishing book test. And it really can be done anywhere. Think of all the places that have or sell books – from airports to hotel lobbies or even a prospective client’s own office. And no one can ever claim that you prepared for it ahead of time.
Zikretoz Magic Tricks