Zikretoz Magic Tricks
Learn Magic

Monday, February 2, 2009

Playing Card Magic Tricks 1

This Playing Card Trick does not use any custom Made PLAYING CARDS. Have impressed good magicians and easy to learn..

Friday, January 23, 2009

Playing Card Trick, "Without Playing Cards"

Presentation and effect: The performer starts his patter
"You have seen or heard of many ways in which a performer can ascertain what cards have been
selected by his audience. I have developed a science which gives me 100% accuracy without seeing a
card, touching a card, in fact, without using any cards at all.
I would like you to participate in this demonstration, and I hope this will entertain and give you something
to think about!
Now Simply follow my instructions.

I want you to think of any card in the deck, got one?
Good now double its value
If it's an ace count it as one, two as two, etc., up to
ten. If you think of a jack the value is eleven,
Queen is twelve, and King is thirteen.
Now, after doubling its value, add one and multiply this total by five.

You done that?
Right now do this

If the card you were is
a spade, add nine to the total;
if it is a club, add six;
if a heart, add eight;
if a the diamond add seven.

As soon as you have your answer tell me the number you have in your mind but of course not the card
you are thinking of, Ill do that part hopefully."

The Spectator says “74” You say, "Your total is 74; then the card you thought of was the 6 of spades.
That is correct, you say? They answer “YES”
Another spectator has 131, and he thought of the queen of clubs.
Another called out 82 was thinking of a 7 of diamonds.
You are correct everytime without failure, in fact if you get two or more thinking of the same card, really
milk it for all it’s worth!!! It does happen, a lot more than you would think it does!

The Secret:
The final total announced by the spectator will give the performer the clues to both suit and value
of the selected cards.
If the total ends in 1, remember that it will be a club;
if it ends in 2, it
will be a diamond;
if it ends in 3 will be hearts,
and if it ends in 4 will be spades.

The first number, or the first 2 numbers minus 1, determines the value of the card.

For example, the number that the first spectator called was 74, and this proves to be the 6 of Spades
(doubling its value made it 12, adding 1 made it 13, and multiplying by 5 gave him 65. Adding 9 for
spades gave a final total of 74.)

The last number being a 4 indicates that the selected card is a spade.

A further example: the value of the second card called was 131.
The final 1 indicates a club;
The first 2 numbers are 13(minus 1 makes 12, and 12 means the Queen);
therefore, the card is the queen of clubs.

To be certain, when you start your demonstration, impress upon your audience with the idea of
concentrating on the selected card and also to listen to your instructions.
It is also important to make it plain that the ace counts as 1, 2 as 2, etc., up to 10, after which the jack
counts as 11, queen as 12, and the king as 13.
You can vary the presentation in a mixed group by asking the ladies, for example, to think of hearts and
diamonds, and the men, spades and clubs.
Using this system--if a lady calls out a number, you will know that the selected card will be either hearts or
diamonds. This effect can be done with as many people as you like.
You can perform it with many people at the same time getting them to call out their numbers and as they
do you just tell them their thought of card. It is the speed when doing it for a group of people that is
impressive, it is also useful for leading into a mind reading demonstration, you could indeed even state
after performing this trick then that maybe if could be solved with maths, then go into another mentalist
routine that would make this seem even more impossible , thus shelving the idea that it could have been

The history of this trick is really unknown but a mention of Blackstone would be disrespectful if we did not
mention his name as a credit.

I hope you like this and it gives you much fun performing it whether it be in person via
the phone or even via a text message or an email
If the instructions seem a little complex, simply write or print out the formula and the
code for the suits and glue it to the side of a card box.
In fact why not glue it if you can’t remember
it to the side of a card box that contains
an Invisible deck and you can then say yo
u knew that they would have picked the card they did as there is one card face do
wn in the pack…then take out the invisible
deck and BANG! You nail them on 2 levels…..Believe me this kills.

Think outside the box.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

magic tricks TRIUMPH

This is our version of Triumph, A playing card trick w/c have many versions
belya magic, magicmni belya
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